Deputy Director of SKVC - in the panel of external review of QAA


Ms Aurelija Valeikienė, Deputy Director of SKVC works as expert in ENQA (angl. European Association in Quality Assurance of Higher Education) coordinated external review of United Kingdom's external quality assurance agency QAA. Successful external review is a pre-condition for continuing membership for the next 5 years in ENQA and continuing listing of QAA as a trustworthy quality agency in EQAR.

"This is a high professional recognition of Ms Aurelija Valeikienė. It is very prestigious to be included in the pool of experts for external quality reviews in  Europe. The current assignement is not the first of this kind for Aurelija, and this time she is also responsible for drafting the detailed external review report on QAA. To date QAA is the biggest and best evaluated quality agency in Europe" - said Ms Nora Skaburskienė, SKVC Director and Vice-President of ENQA.

In 2017, QAA performed self-assessment, and on February 19-22, 2018 ENQA panel visited the agency. Meetings with senior leadership and staff of QAA were held, as well as with representatives of higher education providers, QAA partner organisations, members of QAA reviewers' pool and students. The team of experts is led by dr Milan Pol (Dean and Professor of Education, Masaryk University, Czech Republic), other members include dr Ellen Hazelkorn (Policy Advisor, Higher Education Authority, Emeritus Professor and Director, Higher Education Policy Research Unit (HEPRU), Dublin Institute of Technology, Ireland) and Mr Adrian Stan (PhD student and periodontology resident, University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Victor Babes”, Timisoara, Romania). The panel is supported by Ms Lindsey Kerber, ENQA Review Coordinator.

An external review of QAA is performed following Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area (ESG-2015), in line with Guidelines for ENQA Agency Reviews and considering Use and Interpretation of the ESG by EQAR‘s Register Committee.

More on external review of QAA:
