LIREQA project recommendations discussed with ENQA members


During the 8th ENQA Members‘ Forum and General Assembly in Zaragoza (Spain) two workshops were held to discuss a draft set of recommendations developed by LIREQA project partners. Recommendations cover how QA agencies, HEIs and ENIC/NARIC centres collectively and individually could contribute to implementation of expectations under ESG 1.4 “Student admission, progression, recognition and certification”.

During the workshop, results of on-line surveys of ENIC/NARIC centres and higher education institutions, as well as opinions of external quality assurance agencies, gathered during qualitative interviews, were presented. Based on analysis of these findings, indicators for quality assurance were proposed. Ideas for cooperation between the three communities were generated.

LIREQA aims at contributing to fair recognition of qualifications by developing recommendations to relate academic recognition to both internal quality assurance (taken care by HEIs themselves) and external quality assurance mechanisms (implemented by national, regional or subject specific quality assurance agencies). LIREQA project brings together communities of quality assurance specialists, represented by national/regional external quality assurance agencies and their association ENQA, communities of credential evaluators, represented by ENIC/NARIC networks and centres, and higher education institutions.

The projects aims to:

  • map the present situation and learn of expectations and possibilities for improvement from the main stakeholders (ENIC/NARIC centres, QA agencies, HEls);
  • create a set of recommendations to address fair recognition of qualifications via external and internal quality assurance (QA);
  • build capacity of QA agencies, ENIC/NARIC centres and HEls.

For the full presentation on LIREQA findings and recommendations, please see here.


A moment from the presentation

A moment from the presentation

A moment from the presentation

A moment from the presentation

A moment from the presentation
